20 healthy habits that will upgrade your nutrition during weight loss and forever:
1. Drink lots of water.
Minimum 2 liters a day. 1 glass of water 30 min before your every meal and 30 min after every meal.
2. Have at least 15 min walking after your heaviest meal.
Know the signals that are being sent between the body and the brain.
Keep the fires of metabolism burning.
Physical activity also SPEEDS the metabolism.
Walking after the meal sets up a powerful synergy: for every 1 minute walking within 30 minutes after finishing your heaviest meal there will be about 3 minutes of accelerated fat burning.
3. Breathe 5 times just before Eating
a. Start by examining, through quiet reflection, what exactly is your relationship to food & eating (aside from the classic role of food: energy).
Do you eat more when you are nervous or stressed?
Is food a reward or compensation for a long hard day’s work?
Do eat more when stressed or angry?
Do you binge eat (empty the fridge when you get home)?
b. Then, carry on by exploring these options:
Breathe deeply 5 times just before Eating;
Managing Anxiety (& Guilt): Change the World or Change your Mind
Understand the Hand-to-Mouth Reflex: watch nervous eating
4. Cut sugar.
Sugar is a cancer cell’s favorite food. Even without having cancer, we all have a few cancer cells floating around. When an acidic internal environment discourages normal cellular glucose metabolism with oxygen, those oxygen-starved cells begin thriving by fermenting glucose and demanding more that our culture readily provides. Why encourage them?
High sugar intake encourages Candida, which many say is cancer’s favorite habitat. Candida yeast cells also exist in small amounts with everyone. When they overwhelm our friendly probiotic bacteria, we have Candida yeast overgrowth, which enables this fungus to infiltrate the body with all sorts of health problems. Diets for discouraging and helping eliminate Candida promote complete abstinence from all forms of sugar until the overgrowth recedes.
Processed sugar and fructose are stripped of all mineral content and wind up leeching minerals from our bodies, including our teeth. They also inhibit mineral absorption, including magnesium. Magnesium is a commonly deficient and vitally important for over 300 metabolic processes. GMO corn is used to manufacture HFCS, and this process creates a mercury byproduct. GMO beets are used more now for creating sucrose (table sugar). Pure unprocessed sugar cane does contain nutrients, while processing involves nasty chemicals that can come along.
Sugar is addictive. It stimulates central nervous system neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, giving you a pleasant buzz to crave more and promote overeating dead processed foods. Sugar creates glucose spikes that force the pancreas to produce insulin more often and beyond it’s normal capacity. This wears the pancreas down, limiting insulin production that leads to diabetes. Type II diabetes is insulin resistance, which is preceded by metabolic syndrome at least partly attributable to high sugar intake. The Look at the Actions of Insulin provoked by sugar intake:
Stores sugar as FAT
Prevents FAT Burning
Improves Cholesterol and Improves TG
Decreases HDL
Increases FATIGUE.
Conclusion: High Insulin = No 1 Predictor of Heart Disease & High blood insulin is Easily & Rapidly lowered by Walking & Observing Glycemic Index Principles.
Many health experts attribute the rise of obesity and cardiac problems to higher refined carbohydrate and sugar consumption. And the condensed fructose in HFCS is absorbed first by the liver, which cannot metabolize it all and has to store accumulated fructose as fat creating fatty liver. Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease became epidemic after low and no fat diets were introduced while sugar and HFCS were increased in processed foods and beverages. (The myth of the ‘low-fat’ diet, and why consuming healthy fats is vital to your health)
5. NO Soft Drinks: High Fructose Corn Syrup Kills!
The last 40 years has seen an exponential increase in sugar consumption provided by the processed food industry’s introduction of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and increased sucrose content in commonly consumed foods and beverages. This was no accident.
Sucrose (refined sugar = one molecule of glucose + one molecule of fructose) and HFCS are present as sweeteners in all fast foods and most processed foods. Natural food fiber is removed from processed foods and beverages, giving those sugars a faster track to our bloodstreams, our livers, our brains and our arteries.
Natural fiber, that acts as a “bottle brush” to our intestines, contained whole fruits and whole grain carbohydrates, slows sugar absorption down. Sugar was made difficult to get; man has made it too easy. The exponential increase of refined sugar and HFCS consumption contribute to obesity much more than dietary fat.
6. Take fruits (dry or fresh) between meals
Keep the intestines cleaned out
The best way to supplement potassium is with fruit (Good sources of potassium are dried apricots, avocados, dried figs, acorn squash, baked potatoes, kidney beans, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, and bananas). The fiber provided by vegetarian diets may also help reduce high blood pressure.
Potassium is a crucial mineral for restoring healthy blood pressure balance in the body.
7. Choose Tea over coffee
Loaded with anti cancer antioxidants, with less water-depleting caffeine
8. Choose red wine over beer or strong alcohol.
In sum, it appears that the best drinking pattern is daily red wine consumption with meals. Red wine used in this way should be part of any therapy against the insidious diseases that plague us. Red wine and Grapes are better than beer! From a strictly health point of view, red wine has many benefits for the savvy imbiber.
Diabetes mellitus (DM): this disease afflicts more than 125 million people worldwide and can be easily treated with diet and low-grade exercise. Grapes have a much lower Glycemic Index (66) than the sugar in beer (maltose = 150) and, therefore, will not cause insulin surging that could lead to central obesity and, in turn, diabetes.
Osteoporosis: studies have shown that grape skins contain a natural estrogen-like chemical, called resveratrol, that not only keeps the platelets from forming a clot and reduces inflammation, but may act to make bones more massive and less prone to fractures. Moreover, as estrogen positively affects the HDL cholesterol and keeps artery linings smooth, this may help to explain yet another protective aspect of red wines.
Cancers: the oxidative process that plays such a critical role in cancer development is blocked by the antioxidants (resveratrol) in red wine. In October 2008, an article appeared in the journal of the American Association of Cancer Research to report on a study of 84, 170 men aged 45–69. Researchers measured the effects of beer, red wine, white wine and distilled spririts to gauge the risk on lung cancer. Result: researchers reported a 60% reduction in lung cancer risk in men who drank 2 glasses of red wine per day. There was no clear effect of beer, white wine or spririts. Coronary artery disease (CAD): scores of well-designed studies have demonstrated time and time again the protective effect of moderate red wine consumption against heart attacks, particularly in countries like France, where there is also a high consumption of animal fats. In the UK, for example, recent studies have demonstrated that moderate red wine drinking could reduce the incidence of CAD by half! What is the mechanism of this natural magic? Wine decreases stress, makes platelets less sticky (although the effect is short-lived — 24 to 48 hours — so regular wine is better), increases HDL and makes the body more insulin sensitive (hence, lower TGs and higher HDL).
Strokes: strokes account for a significant health burden worldwide. While two to three glasses per day of red wine reduces the risk of stroke, more than five to six glasses per day would actually increase the risk of cerebral hemorrhage due to the combined effects of increased blood pressure and less sticky blood.
super beneficial for the eyes. More particularly, eating eggs lower the risk of developing cataracts and prevent age-related muscular degeneration because of the vision-protective carotenoid content of the eggs specifically lutein and zeaxanthin.
provides greater amounts of carotenoid than green vegetables;
provides all the nine (9) essential amino acids and six (6) grams of high quality protein.
one of the best dietary sources of naturally occurring vitamin D and Folate which helps prevent birth defects and cardiovascular disease;
provides (in the yellow part) contains about 300 micrograms of choline, an important nutrient that aids in regulating the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system;
promotes healthy hair, nails, and skin because of the rich sulphur content of eggs as well as the vitamin and mineral content of eggs.
10. Oily Fish, Hemp/Flax seed oils
Best Essential fatty Acids (EFAs) on the planet
Benefits to adding flaxseeds to our nutrition are many:
The risk of heart disease is lower in individuals who take flaxseed oil. Evidence indicates that those who eat a lot of ALA are less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack and it reduces high blood pressure.
Play a role in burning body fat.
Flaxseed oil is beneficial in helping to reduce high cholesterol. It’s important to keep in mind however, that this alone cannot be totally effective in reducing cholesterol levels; an overhaul of overall diet must work in conjunction with flaxseed oil.
Reduce the risk of cancer.
Flaxseed oil has been found to be beneficial for those who suffer from Crohn’s Disease and Colitis. Several studies have found that this oil seems to be able to calm the inner lining of the inflamed intestines. Another benefit exists as there is High content of mucilage in flax and this is an effective natural laxative.
Some people are afflicted with Sjogren’s syndrome, which is a dryness of the eyes. Flaxseed oil helps to improve this condition.
Aid in the growth of healthy hair, nails & skin (especially eczema, especially during the winter months);
Reduce menopause symptoms.
11. Black Chocolate: >70% of cocoa
Antioxidants and taste: best snack after fresh fruit.
It contains critical minerals such as Magnesium and Copper, which help in regulating and maintaining the blood pressure. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that black chocolate stimulates the release of Nitric Oxide (NO) within the blood, which is responsible for the relaxation and dilation of blood vessels.
12. Only eat when you are hungry.
13. Drink your food and chew your liquid (slow down!)
Recent studies conducted on chewing have confirmed chewing every mouthful for longer helps you lose weight because it allows your brain more time to receive signals from the stomach that it is full. Therefore, the slower you chew, the less you eat. When you chew completely your digestive system is told of incoming food. This triggers it to produce digestive acids and help the body absorb nutrients.
Moreover, a Chinese university in its research has found that those who chewed food 40 times consumed 12 per cent fewer calories than those who chewed only 15 times. In fact, the more you chew your food, the better it is for your weight. The logic is that the more you chew, the more time the brain has to receive signals from the stomach to control your appetite.
Inadequately digested food means inadequate absorption of nutrients. The hormones, which are responsible for signaling satiation, leptin, ghrelin and cholestokinnen, do not reach their peak until 30 minutes once food is ingested. Speed eaters beat their body’s signal makers by wolfing it down. Incompletely chewed food promotes intestinal bacteria, causing flatulence, bloating, constipation, stomach ache, cramps and even diarrhea.
14. Prefer soups & salads for late dinners.
15. Limit red meat consumption to 1 per week.
16. Apple cider vinegar (ACV).
One Tablespoon in a glass of water with honey provides the human mineral needs for the day! It lowers blood sugar levels, supports weight loss and slows cancer progression.
17. Coconut oil.
Healthy source for hydration, energy and endurance, restores electrolytes after exercise, vomiting, diarrhea. Antiseptic properties provide antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal agents to purify blood. Dissolves kidney stones alkalizing urine pH.
18. Magnesium
Critical mineral found in all plants
19. Vitamin D
Central player in the immune system. Come with sunshine. Aside from bone health, vitamin D is recommended for fighting coronary and heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, infection and even belly fat! Recommended sources of vitamin D include supplements, sunlight and certain foods.
20. Garlic.
These are several facts about Magic of Garlic:
Blood Pressure: pressure increases in response to the body’s production of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE). Garlic contains gamma-glutamylcysteine, a natural ACE inhibitor. Garlic lowers or helps to regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes.
Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes and thrombosis.
Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species. Raw Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic that works differently than modern antibiotics and kills some strains of bacteria, like staph, that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics. Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
Garlic slows our body’s production of fat by breaking down the lipids and enhancing the elimination of fats from tissue to the bloodstream for eventual removal.
Garlic has anti-oxidant properties and is a source of selenium. While these garlic metabolites (DADS) are in the lymphatic system they kill or inhibit cancer cells and strengthen the immune system. The power to boost hydrogen sulfide [what gives garlic it’s unique smell] production may help explain why a garlic-rich diet appears to protect against various cancers, including breast, prostate and colon cancer.